All Classes and Interfaces

Axis Aligned Bounding Box collider, also a component that can be added.
A sprite animation class, using individual images as frames rather than a tileset, is experimental
The Audio Engine
The Button UI class for SypherEngine
Camera class for 2D camera transforms, currently still experimental
The base component class, which all components must extend
The base entity class, which all game entities must extend
Getting specific Images from a tileset
An Interface for all renderable entities
The class that polls for key events
The Math utility class for the engine
The class that polls for mouse listening events
The renderer/graphics backend, containing all the rendering helper methods
The base scene class, used throughout...
The Sprite class, basically a wrapper over entity, which makes stuff easier.
The main class, the heart of the game engine, where everything is run
The UIElement interface, implemented by all UI classes
The Vector2 class of SypherEngine, the base of all position